2023 new year
message from our ceo
On behalf of the directors of Simitri Group International we want to thank our partners and clients, and our colleagues globally for the opportunity of working together this past year.
2022 has been one of building on the historic changes that Simitri and the world now operate. We have spent most of 2022 learning new ways to evolve our communication approaches and develop ourselves with technology and innovative new products. We have experienced a broader geographic reach with new facilitators and a committed support team located in more countries and cities worldwide. This has been instrumental in our continued growth.
It has also been a great pleasure to start delivering face to face again, being part of the conversations and hearing stories about the journeys through one of the most challenging times in human history. The stories make it abundantly clear that we have all learnt a lot about ourselves as individuals, about our teams' strong connections and our organisations.
In working with many clients in evolving business strategies it is amazing to hear of the resilience so many have and work with day in day out. I am constantly inspired by the things people do for each other, in particular taking more time to listen and engage, to share personal stories, that have the biggest impact.
The impact that hybrid working and the Great Reshuffle has had on us all will lead us into 2023 as we all calibrate to new global challenges, I am very confident that we are ready to take these on and come out as a stronger and more enlightened workforce.
We are excited for 2023 and beyond.
Of particular note for us, is that Simitri Group International will celebrate 20 years as a business in March 2023.
Our original vision was founded on the principle of business executives helping and supporting other business executives to be better. Better communicators, managers and leaders in their companies.
Having started with this vision based out of a small office in Singapore, we are now operating in 46 countries on 5 continents.
Working with our partners inspires us to do more and do better, we enjoy the challenges that you bring to our company and are ourselves inspired every day from working with you.
We remain focused on providing excitement, motivation and inspiration in changing human behaviour, to drive better business results.
To our many clients and partners, and to our Simitri colleagues…a HUGE THANKYOU!
We are so very lucky to be part of your professional lives.