Simitri 2025 Learning Trends Report

We are pleased to provide YOU with a copy of our Annual Simitri Learning Trends Report.

Click below to listen to a quick introduction to our report, or download it here NOW!

This year’s report features insights from Simitri’s thought leaders, top executives from multinational companies, and L&D specialists worldwide. The report highlights three key topics:

  • Harnessing AI Technology: Implementing Adaptive Learning solutions to enhance personalised learning experiences.

  • Leadership Challenges of 2025: Navigating the complex landscape of doing more with fewer resources.

  • Skill Stacking for Busy Executives: Leveraging the brain’s neural pathways to accelerate professional development.

We are confident that this report will provide valuable insights to inform and strengthen your organisation’s strategy for the year ahead. Click here to download it NOW!

If you have any questions or if you would like to know how Simitri can support YOU, email us at